If you are a Turo host who manages multiple listings, you are well aware of the process and how much time and effort it may require to regularly take photos, set check-in and check-out time, hand over the keys, and keep your vehicles clean. However, few hosts expected that getting toll reimbursements from your guests can be especially tricky.
Charging for toll costs
First, let’s take a peek at Turo’s requirements regarding charging for toll costs. As billing cycles vary among different transportation authorities, and, to be honest, there aren’t a few of them, Turo itself allows hosts a 90-day window to charge guests for toll costs.
To submit an invoice, a host needs to upload to Trip photos a picture of the toll bill that shows the date, time, location, and license plate or transponder (tag) number.
So, if your tolls are based on a toll tag or transponder, make sure you’ve entered its ID number in the “Car description” field or sent it to your guest via Turo messaging within 24 hours of trip start (this message can be easily automated with CarSync!).
In case your invoice is disputed, you can escalate to Turo customer support who will review the photos you’ve uploaded to determine whether you’ll get reimbursed.
Automate your toll reimbursements with CarSync
If getting everything reimbursed from your guests has become overwhelming, the solution is at hand. With CarSync, charging your guests for toll costs has become a smooth process. First and foremost, CarSync automatically uploads a toll invoice to Trip photos. Therefore, providing proof accepted by Turo is no longer an issue.
The whole process of charging for tolls is fully automated. Once you’ve connected to your toll agency, the receipts are automatically matched to your cars and trips and those that, for any reason, happen not to, are provided for your inspection. In case your invoice is disputed, CarSync provides automatic escalation based on your rules.
It may seem hard to believe but with CarSync you’re a click away from requesting toll reimbursements from your guests.
Go to https://carsync.io and take advantage of these features, designed to save both your time and energy — it’s free!

Supported toll platforms